Она мама добровольцев.
Красивая, уставшая от горя и слез, ей 54.
Оба сына на войне.
Игорь - первенец, тяжело ранен в Широкино.
Осколки пробили живот, повредили бедренную артерию.
Истекшего кровью доставили в Мечникова.
Военные врачи проявили героизм по спасению бойца.
Слезы возле операционных.
Открыв глаза, заговорил.
Мама счастлива.
- Это их выбор, я с ним согласилась.
To collect the sons together, and to send enemies far away
She is the mother of volunteers.
She is beautiful, tired of grief and tears, she is 54.
Both sons are at war.
Igor - the first-born child, seriously wounded in Shirokino.
Fragments broke through the stomach, damaged the femoral artery.
He lost a lot of blood and was taken to Mechnikov Hospital.
Military doctors showed heroism in saving the soldier.
Tears near the operating rooms.
After opening his eyes, he spoke.
Mom is happy.
- This is their choice, I agreed with him.
Красивая, уставшая от горя и слез, ей 54.
Оба сына на войне.
Игорь - первенец, тяжело ранен в Широкино.
Осколки пробили живот, повредили бедренную артерию.
Истекшего кровью доставили в Мечникова.
Военные врачи проявили героизм по спасению бойца.
Слезы возле операционных.
Открыв глаза, заговорил.
Мама счастлива.
- Это их выбор, я с ним согласилась.
To collect the sons together, and to send enemies far away
She is the mother of volunteers.
She is beautiful, tired of grief and tears, she is 54.
Both sons are at war.
Igor - the first-born child, seriously wounded in Shirokino.
Fragments broke through the stomach, damaged the femoral artery.
He lost a lot of blood and was taken to Mechnikov Hospital.
Military doctors showed heroism in saving the soldier.
Tears near the operating rooms.
After opening his eyes, he spoke.
Mom is happy.
- This is their choice, I agreed with him.
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