Все тело разбито, но не все кончено.
Множественные осколочные ранения головы, грудной клетки, печени, кишечника, бедра, левой руки.
Юрий, 1990 г.р., из Львова.
Помнит задания, взрывы, потеря сознания.
Вышел из комы в Мечникова.
Первично оперирован в 66-м ВМГ.
Перелито много крови.
Идет на поправку, пишет письма ровным почерком (хороший симптом).
He did not come out of the battlefield with his own legs.
The whole body is broken, but everything is not over yet.
Multiple shrapnel wounds to the head, chest, liver, intestine, thigh, left hand.
Yuri, was born in 1990, in the Lviv city.
He remembers his tasks, explosions, loss of consciousness.
Today he came out of the coma in Mechnikov Hospital.
Initially he was operated in the 66th Military Hospital. A lot of blood was transfused.
He is recovering, even writing letters with solid handwriting and we think it is a good sign.
Множественные осколочные ранения головы, грудной клетки, печени, кишечника, бедра, левой руки.
Юрий, 1990 г.р., из Львова.
Помнит задания, взрывы, потеря сознания.
Вышел из комы в Мечникова.
Первично оперирован в 66-м ВМГ.
Перелито много крови.
Идет на поправку, пишет письма ровным почерком (хороший симптом).
He did not come out of the battlefield with his own legs.
The whole body is broken, but everything is not over yet.
Multiple shrapnel wounds to the head, chest, liver, intestine, thigh, left hand.
Yuri, was born in 1990, in the Lviv city.
He remembers his tasks, explosions, loss of consciousness.
Today he came out of the coma in Mechnikov Hospital.
Initially he was operated in the 66th Military Hospital. A lot of blood was transfused.
He is recovering, even writing letters with solid handwriting and we think it is a good sign.
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